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Curatorial Residency Program in Mexico

Mexico City, Mexico

From October 14th to 27th, 2024

From October 14th to 27th, Quebec curator Catherine Barnabé will be in residency in Mexico, where she will be hosted by our partners ACT and SOMA

This is the third networking and support program for curators between Quebec and Mexico. This residency is both a professional development project, a network relationship consolidation, a discovery of artistic approaches and an opportunity to be inspired by creative activities from elsewhere in view of developing future exhibition projects.

For two weeks, Catherine Barnabé will be welcomed to visit artists’ studios, tour a selection of institutions, art centres and galleries in Mexico City, and meet with a wide range of Mexican arts professionals, researchers and professors. She will give a public presentation of her projects in partnership with SOMA.
This project is made possible by the financial support of Gouvernement du Québec and the Canada Council for the Arts.

Catherine Barnabé is an independent curator, author and translator. In 2012, she cofounded Espace Projet (2012-2023). With a master degree in art history (UQAM, 2011) and a degree in translation (Concordia, 2017), she writes for various publications and specializes in art translation. Her curatorial work has been presented in North America and Europe, including the Salle Alfred-Pellan in Laval, Gallery 44 in Toronto et La Halle centre d’art in Pont-en-Royans, France. Since 2012, she did curatorial residencies and programmes in Est Nord-Est (St-Jean-Port-Joli), Linea de Costa (Spain), ISCP (New York), Maisons Daura (France), Viafarini (Milan) and SixtyEight (Copenhagen). She received research and residency grants from Conseil des arts de Montréal, Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec and Canada Council for the arts. Her attentional approach is deployed around the notion of geography. She lives and works in Montreal (Canada).


Art, Science and Technologies (ACT) is a program of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and aims to stimulate the dialogue, interchange, and collaboration between sciences, humanities and arts. ACT emerges searching to connect areas of knowledge with a high level of research and conduct its progress to broader scenarios. The interaction and dialogue between disciplines, the formulation of new ways of collaborative work, creativity, productivity and coexistence, can develop new forms and communities for generating knowledge. ACT is a collaborative platform and a web of creatives, researchers and promoters of  projects between scientific, technological and cultural institutions.
SOMA is a non-profit organization, founded in Mexico City in November 2009 at the initiative of a group of artists who had joined forces, resulting in a unique platform in the cultural field. SOMA is a space to reflect and discuss about different art events occurring both at the national and international levels. SOMA’s mission is to encourage dialogue, collaboration and even confrontation between artists and cultural producers from different backgrounds and generations. Through its programs in SOMA the aesthetic, political and social consequences of art production are analyzed collectively.
About the networking residencies
The networking and accompaniment residencies for curators are part of an exchange program between Quebec and Mexico. On the one hand, this project provides a Quebec curator with the opportunity of engaging in a two-week residency in Mexico, and on the other, makes it possible for a Mexican curator to carry out a residency of the same duration in Quebec. The residencies will enable them to broaden their professional network and to enrich their curatorial research.
This initiative is part of an effort to share knowledge, develop networks and build lasting relationships between institutions with complementary mandates. Designed with collaboration and sharing in mind, the residences benefit all parties, including organizations in the same local community. This initiative is built with the expertise and involvement of many partners and aims to open markets and create international opportunities for the Quebec and Mexican communities.