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Ariane Plante

Project manager

Ariane Plante is an author, artist and curator. She studied classical music and has a university degree (Major) in anthropology. She has been active in the Quebec arts scene since 2005, and as a freelancer since 2007. She has received grants from the Canada Council for the Arts, the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, the Conseil des arts de Montréal and Première Ovation, and her work has been presented in Quebec, Canada and France, on online platforms and in digital publications.

The curator of the 2016, 2017 and 2018 editions of the Mois Multi, Quebec City’s international multidisciplinary and electronic arts festival, she now works independently, developing, producing and coordinating various current and digital arts projects with numerous artists and organizations. Since 2016, she has been putting together a technological arts exhibition program for the Grand Théâtre de Québec, which she has been programming and directing since its launch in 2019.

As an artist, she has participated in several group exhibitions and events. In 2024, as principal creator, she completed a series of sound, narrative and interactive installations produced by the National Film Board of Canada – Montreal interactive studio, and Ville de Québec. The work, entitled Ce qui brille dans le noir, is being shown at the Gabrielle-Roy Library until 2025. It focuses on the encounter between technologies and different artistic languages and media, and on non-linear narrative forms conveyed by words, images, digital devices and sound.