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Slovakian curator in residency in Montreal


September 23 – October 3, 2024

Molior is continuing its networking residencies with Slovakia!

From September 23rd to October 3rd, curator Petra Housková will be taking part in a Montreal networking residency organized by Molior.

Petra Housková is a visual artist who, in recent years, has primarily worked as a gallerist, curator, and project manager. She is also the founder of the Šopa Gallery, which is now considered one of the significant venues for the presentation of contemporary art in Slovakia.

This residency is both a professional development project, a network relationship consolidation, a discovery of artistic approaches and an opportunity to be inspired by creative activities from elsewhere in view of developing future exhibition projects.

Over a two-week period, Petra Housková will visit artists’ studios, tour a selection of institutions, art centers and galleries in Montreal, and meet with a wide range of Canadian arts professionals.

Networking evening

A networking evening with Petra will be held on Tuesday October 1st from 5 to 8 pm at Espace Cercle Carré (36 Queen Street). During the evening, the curator will give a short presentation of her curatorial work. Members of the Montreal art community are warmly invited to attend. Please confirm your attendance via this link.

Petra Housková (b. 1985) is a visual artist who, in recent years, has primarily worked as a gallerist, curator, and project manager. In 2015, she obtained her Master’s in the Studio of Contemporary Painting at the Faculty of Arts, Technical University in Košice. In the same year, she founded the Šopa Gallery, which is now considered one of the significant venues for the presentation of contemporary art in Slovakia. 

Since 2015, she has served as the curator of the KAIR Košice Artist in Residence program, where she currently leads project management. She has organized numerous exhibitions, discussions, lectures, and professional workshops and has participated in many international projects, collaborating with professionals from the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Poland, Spain, Ukraine, Palestine, Lebanon, and other countries. She has a long-standing interest in interdisciplinary projects that connect visual arts with scientific disciplines and focus on environmental, ecological, and socio-political issues.


About the curator residency program

Molior has set up a curator networking and professional support residency program between Montreal and various countries. This is the third segment of the bilateral residency program with Slovakia, in continuity with the Montreal Peter Sit’s residency (SK) carried out in August-September 2023 and the residency that hosted Lisa Tronca in Central Europe in April 2024.

These residencies are a professional development and network consolidation project, a means to discover artistic approaches and an opportunity to draw inspiration from creative practices from abroad in order to develop new networks between the Canadian and European art scene. 

This initiative is guided by a desire to share knowledge and know-how, foster network development and establish long-term relationships between institutions with complementary mandates. Developed in a perspective of collaboration and knowledge sharing, the residencies benefit all participants, including for the Canadian and the international community alike.