The Conservatory: Bouquet for Maxime

Laurent Lévesque  2017-2023 Digital rendering, inkjet print. Stemming from the vast body of work entitled Le Conservatoire, bouquet pour Maxime brings together a few floral specimens chosen from the collection of nearly 270 digital plants, gleaned and preserved from 33 video games. The latter are also the digital environments—first-person shooter games created between 1998 and […]

MYRa: a gift for Rym

Olivia McGilchrist 2019 Screen edit of a virtual reality artwork, 4 minutes. MYRa: a gift for Rym combines digital underwater worlds with performance art, where viewers remain still amidst a virtual tidal wave, represented through fragments of 360 videos and 3D animations moving around them. This virtual wave is inspired by the Caribbean’s complex relationship with […]

from many sides

Olivia McGilchrist 2016 Single channel video with sound (10 minutes). The cyclical ebb and flow of Caribbean waters sifts through layers of inherited histories, painting the physicality of time through light, colours, textures and sounds from nature. This ephemeral audio-visual blend offers an immersive experience in the liquid and fantasy space of the screen. A […]

Cinématographie de la matière virtuelle : Touch Grass

Baron Lanteigne 2023 3D animation, video, screens, microprocessors, cables. Touch Grass: this expression is commonly used in the context of Internet culture to signify one’s presence and participation in the real world, as opposed to the connected reality of online virtual worlds. Could it be an ironic invitation to leave the screen behind? Or a […]

Météores 3542, 3647, 3686 et 3763

François Quévillon 2017-2018 3D Animations with sound. Inspired by the cosmos and geology, Météores is a body of works that probes space-time and the complexity of matter, both physical and digital. The works result from a residency in the Tablelands in Newfoundland, one of the few places where the Earth’s upper mantle is exposed. Rich in […]

Sans titre (artefacts)

Autofading_Se disparaître Caroline Gagné 2020-2023 Laminated wood fiber with computerized numerical control (CNC) cuts based on a modelized rock, vinyl, iPhone and monotrack. Sans titre (artefacts) is a material extension of the virtual reality work Autofading_Se disparaître. With a synthetic rock as a central element—which is also at the heart of the VR work—the installation […]

Lieux de mémoire

Sabrina Ratté 2023 Extendable pole, screens, Raspberry Pi and pico projectors. Lieux de mémoire is a proposal that brings together sketches and video sequences from the production of the virtual reality work Floralia. In parallel to the VR experience, this material is presented as a body of archives: a selection of visual elements testifying to […]


Baron Lanteigne 2022 Ascension invites the visitor to explore an environment whose behaviour revolves around a central element: an ascending/descending liquid that refracts light. Counter-intuitive but based on an internal consistency, the core of this suspended landscape unfolds through the manipulation of a data flow exchanged by connected devices. By moving, it is possible to […]

Érosions 2

François Quévillon 2022 This second iteration of François Quévillon’s Érosions invites us to explore spaces located on the coast of the St. Lawrence River and the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The disaggregations, deformations, distortions, and stratifications of the visual and the sound evoke the geomorphology of coastal landscapes and their transformation processes. The work connects […]

Autofading_Se disparaître

Caroline Gagné 2020 The work draws on virtual reality technologies and non-linear sound composition to question, in a poetic way, the presence of the human being in their environment. The spectator is immersed in the heart of a forest generated in “cloud points,” which evolves according to the attitude of observation and attention that he […]